
Rebirth of Reason

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 - 3:01amSanction this postReply
Yes, Rush is on the right track, but I think it is more about sovereignty.

It isn't just that Obama and the progressives think that there are no self-made men, but that there is no individual sovereignty. The collective owns all. It is INDIVIDUAL rights that they really target. I suspect that they will be okay with people like Steve Jobs creating stuff, so long as he doesn't ever have the audacity to think that he isn't a worker of and for the state - they aren't just okay with that, but it is what they need - the productive heads in the state yoke. They seem to think that telling them they aren't self-made will make them believe they aren't and therefore accept their lot with the state.

I can't forget that Elizabeth Warren, who said what Obama said, before he said it, was going to be the consumer czar in charge of a consumer protection (read 'regulatory orgy') agency that would have been (and actually, still is) beyond the reach of even congress!

She'd have knocked down anyone arrogant enough to think that they any rights of any kind that exceeded the needs of the collective. [sarcasm]

Post 1

Sunday, July 29, 2012 - 11:43amSanction this postReply

I agree about sovereignty but so does Rush. Here are more quotes, quotes that show this, from the same story:
You lay the foundation here for the fact that nobody who is successful deserves to be. Nobody who has achieved anything really did achieve anything. Everything they have is thus illegitimate -- maybe even unjust, maybe even immoral. Why, just like the founding of this country was!
Then he wants to (what I describe as) "socialize profit." Profit is the evil that's attached to the bogeyman of a corporation or a successful individual. Profit. It's like, "Why should a doctor profit from treating somebody who's sick? Why should there be profit in that? Why should there be profit in selling people food? Why, we all have to eat!

"Why isn't there some sort of communal store where you get it for what it costs? Why should anybody make money? Isn't that immoral?" He's setting all of this up so that profit, the pursuit of profit and the securing of profit, is evil. He will thus have a moral claim to it. He'll socialize profit, and claim that it's actually his. He'll do it in the name of all these Americans who were used and taken advantage of, stolen from, whatever. They didn't get their just rewards from their contributions to Mr. Whosit's success over there.

And this is how Obama will have his support. His hope and dream here is to have popular support for simply taking money from people. Eminent domain of capital. Not just taking their property, but eminent domain of their capital, eventually. Why mess around with raising taxes to get this money if it's truly unjust and immoral -- if somebody has that money and it essentially came from theft, which is what these guys are saying? They used all this taxpayer money! they used all the roads the bridges!

They didn't do that on their own.

They stole it!

Well, what do you do from thieves? You don't raise their taxes. You go take it back if you find it, and you find them. And this is where he's headed with this.


Post 2

Sunday, July 29, 2012 - 3:25pmSanction this postReply
Thanks, Ed. Good to know that the guy with the BIG audience is already there!

Post 3

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - 6:53amSanction this postReply
I have followed Rush from the very beginning, and I might even be willing to give him some credit for assisting me to become more 'reasoned'.  However here is the issue with Rush (or anyone for that matter) and his big audience.  His show as it is now, began in 1988, and 'things' have gotten worse, not better.  You pick it, it is all worse!!!  More govt control, higher prices,  etc.  With all the talk and all the people listening, he still cannot mobilize the 'mass' to make the big changes. 

Sure the argument could be stated that it could be much worse without his show, or the tea party or bla bla bla.  The point is that his indifference to really call the shots (so to speak).  Run for office or whatever, indicates that he is not really serious.  Dont get me wrong, his ability to take the money to bank is not what I am talking about, it is all of this talk about how it should be, but yet it (america) is not changing the way he says it should,?  Or could it be that he dwells so much on criticism that people cannot see the obvious solutions? 

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Post 4

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - 8:38amSanction this postReply

I fear we are living in a conflict occupying a much larger time-frame than we would expect. It isn't something that can be changed by a politician, or by Rush Limbaugh becoming one. It is a clash between the core ideas of free enterprise (actually individual sovereignty, which really must be founded on rational self-interest) and government control (based upon any number of altruistic variations).

We are getting closer to a real battle because the real ideas and the real opponents have started to enter the ring. The progressives quietly defeated and did away with the old democrats - and the hard-core progressives are far closer to the heavy-weight, main bout of pro-government fighters.

We now hear in the media, almost daily, open denunciations of capitalism and open acceptance of socialism. This is a new thing in America to anyone of my generation.

In the other corner we are just seeing a public appearance of Libertarians, but they are struggling just to get a tiny sliver of public recognition - it a new thing and still so small as to be almost unnoticeable. For the first time there are a handful of them elected to national office. And they are solid contenders for replacement of some of the the old school conservatives. In the meantime, they are teaching a trick or two to the fiscal and constitutional conservatives.

But, in the meantime the establishment republicans (progressive-light me-too'ers) along with the religious right and big government Neo-cons still hold a lot of the ineffective, loser-style republican machinery.

So, like I said, it is still early days and the battle is between ideas, and these ideas will have to come up from the grassroots and with alacrity and force - but the people of main street are only just starting to wake up and there might not be a win in our lifetimes. And while we wait, there will be no one at the top who can save us - it really has never been that kind of war.

Sorry, but you work with what you've got. You throw sand in opponent's wheels, you ruin their little plans, expose their lies, you buy time, and you educate.
(Edited by Steve Wolfer on 7/31, 6:07pm)

Post 5

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - 9:45pmSanction this postReply
I want to echo what Steve said.

One thing that gives me the warm-fuzzies is when the official talking heads use the word: libertarian. I'm starting to hear it more often, even on NPR. I never heard it as a child, in the 1970s. I never heard it as a teenager, in the 1980s. I never heard it as a young adult, in the 1990s. But things are different now. I'm hearing it, and the rate at which I am hearing it seems to be increasing. Now, by itself it's not a big success and it won't, for instance, nullify our country's $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities (a true fiscal cliff) -- but it's fuel for inspiration for the "good fight", nonetheless.


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