
Rebirth of Reason

Web Directory


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Ayn Rand Institute - The authoritative source for information about Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The Objectivist Center - The less-authoritarian promoter of Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology - Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology by George Reisman and Edith Packer (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Center for the Moral Defense of Capitalism - Essays, a FAQ, and campaigns in support of capitalism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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NIC--New Intellectual Coalition - An attempt in progress to create a truly open resource for the discussion of various topics of social, political, cultural, ethical, or purely personal relevance -- in an atmosfere of principled benevolence and goodwill. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 6/26/2004, 8:52am)

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The Chicago Methuselah Foundation Fund - An endeavor to raise funds for a plan to defeat human aging within our lifetimes. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 8/15/2004, 7:30pm)

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The Republican Majority For Choice - Formerly known as the Republican Pro-Choice Coalition, this group now claims that the great majority of "rank-and-file" Republicans are in fact pro-choice, and seeks to have the anti-abortion plank dumped from the party platform. (Added by Matthew Humphreys on 8/17/2004, 2:45am)

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Kerry-Haters for Kerry - In the coming election, secular individualists in America are either "Anti-Bushites for Bush" or "Kerry-Haters for Kerry". The latter now have a web site. (Added by Adam Reed on 10/04/2004, 6:43pm)

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Objectivism Online - Self Proclaimed Marketplace for Objectivism. It seems to be a massive clearing house of objectivist thought. Recomended to me by the folks at Cordair.com (Added by Eric J. Tower on 10/21/2004, 2:45pm)

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The Atlasphere - Networking Directory and Dating Site connecting admirers of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged (Added by Jennifer Iannolo on 11/02/2004, 6:21pm)

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Sanctions: 9Sanctions: 9 

Fully Informed Jury Association - Organization dedicated to informing jurors of their rights, particularly their right to judge both the law and the facts in a criminal case. (Added by Bob Palin on 11/21/2004, 6:15am)

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The Memory Hole - An online repository of previously censored, embarrasing or contradictory documents. Includes reports, forms, booklets, leaked reports, memos and letters. (Added by Duncan Bayne on 1/16, 6:28pm)

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Absolute Write - On Integrity, as viewed by one screenwriter. For those who may be tempted to go for the easy buck at the expense of your self-respect. (Added by Jeff Perren on 2/10, 10:31am)

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Corporate Social Responsibility Watch - This website tracks the anti-business movement from a pro-capitalist perspective. (Added by Ryan Peterson on 2/16/2005, 2:42pm)

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Camp Indecon - A summer camp dedicated to teaching children and adolescents the value, and method, of thinking for oneself. (Added by July Ackerman on 3/14, 2:06pm)

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DiscoverTheNetwork.Org - Run by David Horowitz, and described by him as follows: "This site is a 'Guide to the Political Left.' It identifies the individuals and organizations that make up the left and also the institutions that fund and sustain it; it maps the paths through which the left exerts its influence on the larger body politic; it defines the left's (often hidden) programmatic agendas and it provides an understanding of its history and ideas." (Added by Peter Cresswell on 3/16, 12:57pm)

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Ayn Rand Meet-Up - This is the link for the Meet-up discussion board. There are tons of local groups where you can meet other objectivists in your area. (Added by katdaddy on 3/31, 4:40am)

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Castle Coalition - Citizens fighting eminent domain abuse. (Added by Bob Palin on 6/25, 5:17am)

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The Fempire - "FEMPIRE was created with this fundamental philosophy. We believe that a woman, from self-respect within, can thrive without explanation or apology. Own thyself." A site for an upstart clothing brand (I think) with Oist overtones. It's worth a quick look around even though it's new and there's not much there yet. Thought I'd share some news that wasn't bad... or Canadian. (Added by Sarah House on 6/27, 5:59pm)

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lewrockwell.com - Historian Ralph Raico describes the events that culminated in Harry Truman's decision to detonate nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 200,000 people. Raico explains why FDR's demand for "unconditional surrender" needlessly prolonged the war, and provided a rationalization both for the "necessity" of an invasion of Japan, and for the bombing. (Added by Mark Humphrey on 8/09, 3:49pm)

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Americans for Fair Taxation - Neal Boortz and other notables lead the charge to replace the less rational income tax with a more rational consumption tax. (Added by Luke Setzer on 8/20/2005, 8:39am)

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EARTHWARD -- Earth's Atheist Resistance To Holy Wars And Religious Devastation - EARTHWARD is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonmembership public-benefit charity organization that provides humanitarian relief aid to civilian victims of religiously motivated violence ranging from acts of violence by individual extremists or terrorist organizations that claim religious justification for their actions to full-scale holy wars waged by religiously dominated governments. (Added by Luke Setzer on 10/09, 11:38am)

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The Official God FAQ - Some questions and answers pertaining to issues of faith. (Added by Daniel O'Connor on 11/05/2005, 12:37am)

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Lewrockwell.com - In this brief article from 1952, Murray Rothbard reveals the Big Government premises of anti-communist crusader Bill Buckley. The 26 year old Rothbard employs Buckley's comments to demonstrate the fundamental logical antagonism between the War State and individual liberty. (Added by Mark Humphrey on 11/19, 9:04pm)

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Felsefede Devrim - 21.yy.lýn felsefesi (Added by memet faruk on 5/14, 12:34pm)

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Online Library of Liberty - At the left on the Home Page are links to hundreds of ORIGINAL SOURCES, books, as well as articles, from the creators of our intellectual tradition of political liberty. In addition, hundreds of essays by insightful academics along the "conservative" spectrum, including libertarians and objectivists. (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 7/23, 12:47pm)

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Online Library of Liberty - At the left on the Home Page are links to hundreds of ORIGINAL SOURCES, books, as well as articles, from the creators of our intellectual tradition of political liberty. In addition, hundreds of essays by insightful academics along the "conservative" spectrum, including libertarians and objectivists. (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 7/23, 12:48pm)

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The Facts About Ethanol - A Competitive Enterprise Institute project to show how wasteful and destructive ethanol subsidies are. (Added by Andrew Bates on 1/31, 7:50pm)

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You Tube - Star Wars Kid (Added by Audrey Leigh Diehl on 2/16, 9:18pm)

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Support Freethinkers Businesses - See Freethinkers' Products, Services and Jobs (Added by Luke Setzer on 3/16, 12:13pm)

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PROPEL™ -- Passionate Rational Objectivists Promoting Exuberant Living™ - Meet other Objectivists and Ayn Rand fans at local club events or start your own local Objectivist club (Added by Luke Setzer on 3/17, 9:54am)

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Christopher Hitchens' Column "FIGHTING WORDS" in Slate Magazine - Posted Tuesdays, and sometimes more often, this column by noted writer, free-thinker, and exile from the left is fully archived and as entertaining as it is enlightening. Hitchens, who considers himself a contrarian, has written books on Orwell, Jefferson, and much else. His latest book, God is not Great, is excerpted in the April 25, 2007 entry. (Added by Ted Keer on 4/28, 11:04pm)

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Barbara Stanwyck listings on TV-NOW.COM - See Barbara Stanwyck sizzle in Ball of Fire! Watch her in the heroic Big Valley. This website lists all her coming appearances monthly, and many other actors as well. Find your favorites! (Added by Ted Keer on 5/06, 12:09pm)

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Founders College - Welcome to the most exciting revolution in modern college education. (Added by Bob Palin on 7/21, 3:23pm)

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Hedge Fund Implode-o-Meter - "The Hedge Fund Implode-O-Meter (HFI) was created in mid-2007 amidst the ongoing collapse of the housing finance sector and a general credit crunch to track as hedge funds learn the double-edged-sword nature of the often-extreme leverage they use." (Added by Chris Baker on 8/09, 8:44pm)

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Objectivist Travelers - Travel the world in the company of people who see it as you do. (Added by Luke Setzer on 9/21, 1:31pm)

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Reason Individualism Freedom Institute - Foundation for the College of the United States (Added by Bob Palin on 12/06, 5:42pm)

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Facets of Ayn Rand - An ebook on Ayn Rand (as a thinker AND as a person) written by 2 friends that knew her well. (Added by Ed Thompson on 2/23, 1:12pm)

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Center for Consumer Freedom - Promoting Personal Responsibility and Protecting Consumer Choice (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/01, 9:48am)

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fox news - Obama plans to work on the budget deficit problem now.... (Added by Ryan Keith Roper on 2/15, 4:43pm)

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American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century (ART) - Alexandra York's arts foundation. (Added by Joseph Rowlands on 4/02, 8:00pm)

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Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine - A call for doctors to go on strike against statism; provides philosophical and political ammunition to wage war on statism in medicine. (Added by Gregory L. Garamoni on 7/16, 3:12pm)

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Free Our Health Care Now - Sign the petition to allow more freedom and less government control of the health care market. (Added by Luke Setzer on 9/03, 5:57am)

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BrainCrave - Dating website for those who put reason as your basic philosophical tenet (Added by Brian Lovett on 10/25, 6:55pm)

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GlennBeckClips.com - the best show on cable with archives and episodes updated nightly after 9pm Eastern (Added by Ted Keer on 11/02, 6:59pm)

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Toleration Free Program - This course is designed to help YOU craft and live a toleration free life. (Added by Luke Setzer on 11/11, 8:34am)

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The Clergy Project - The Clergy Project is a confidential online community for active and former clergy who do not hold supernatural beliefs. (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/04, 5:09pm)

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Intercollegiate Studies Institute - Since 1953 the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) has been teaching future leaders the timeless principles that make America free and prosperous—the core ideas behind the free market, the American Founding, and Western civilization that are rarely taught in the classroom. (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/06, 6:21am)

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The 21 Convention - This site teaches self-actualization for men built around the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (Added by Luke Setzer on 10/07, 4:50pm)

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Importance of Philosophy - An introduction to the fundamental importance of philosophy with an emphasis on Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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What is Objectivism? - Good primer for beginners (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objectivism and Ayn Rand: An Introduction - Full Context's introduction to Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism - David King's book length treatment of Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Become an Objectivist in Ten Easy Steps - Weird tutorial on Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Principles of Human Action - An interactive course (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objective Thinking - Various information and links (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Quackgrass Press - Michael Miller, a Canadian free-market filosofer and engineer, explores political and economic issues from an Objectivist standpoint and develops intriguing theories about the nature of time, space, and leisure. Miller's intent is to create a grassroots ideological Renaissance by spreading his works. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/06/2004, 6:05pm)

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HarryRoolaart.com - Political, cultural, and filosofical commentary from artist and essayist Harry Roolaart. (This site has some intriguing articles and an enjoyable art gallery, though it has not been updated for some time). (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/12/2004, 1:55pm)

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Non-Contradiction.com: Aristotle and Aristotelianism - Non-contradiction.com is a free, central place for information about Aristotle and Aristotelian philosophy. Managed by a software engineer who is also a fervent Aristotelian, this site provides the entire text of Aristotle's works as well as some audio versions, numerous resources on Aristotle including Greek vocabulary for his works, terminology, great quotes, thematic bibliography and links. It even offers T-shirts! (Added by Michelle Cohen on 10/11/2004, 6:57am)

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Eyal Mozes on Objectivism - The Free Rider Issue (Added by Michelle Cohen on 1/28, 8:32pm)

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The Gore Quiz - Just remember what we are fighting against...and fear the Gore Quiz. (Added by Steven Druckenmiller on 9/10, 9:03am)

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Introduction to Antiprocess. - This is an on-going article/site by a friend of mine about how certain patterns of thinking resist logical discourse. (Added by Bridget Armozel on 7/18, 1:42pm)

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YouTube clip of Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life. - This clip was one that I considered the most important clip of Ayn Rand I've seen. (Added by Bridget Armozel on 8/13, 6:18pm)

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New Method to Form n-Dimensional Number Systems - AR's epistemology leads to a way of extending the complex number system. (Added by Rodney Rawlings on 10/01, 12:37pm)

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Donahue interviews Ayn Rand (You Tube) - It's nice to find the videos online to ensure their dissimination. (Added by Bridget Armozel on 12/08, 10:20am)

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Freedomain Radio - The Philosophy of Personal And Political Liberty (Added by Gregory M. Gauthier on 11/13, 7:46pm)

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Ayn Rand, Anti-Communism & the Left - I stumbled on this webpage earlier today. It includes another view of Ayn Rand, which is generally favorable. Discuss this link here: http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/GeneralForum/1249.shtml (Added by Merlin Jetton on 7/15, 12:28pm)

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My Philosophy Kit - This is a complete online introductory college level course on philosophy for $29 which includes videos, quizzes, and exercises. (Added by Luke Setzer on 1/21, 5:06am)

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Existence De Nihilo - Common sense approach to the enigmas of the cosmos (Added by Jack (THoR) McNally on 7/31, 2:57pm)

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Objective Transhumanism - Its Dean's philosophy (Added by Dean Michael Gores on 11/06, 9:16am)

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David Kelley - Executive director of The Objectivist Center (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Nathaniel Branden - Home page of psychologist and writer of many books inlcuding The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Leornard Peikoff - Home page of Ayn Rand's heir and the author of Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Barbara Branden - Author of The Passion of Ayn Rand (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Chris Matthew Sciabarra - PHD and Objectivist scholar at NYU (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Stephen Hicks - Professor of Philosophy (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Praxeology.net - The website of Roderick T Long - Austrian economist, philosopher and occasional Free Radical contributor (Added by Matthew Humphreys on 3/15/2004, 12:17pm)

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Tibor's Place on the Web - The website of regular RoR contributor Tibor Machan, featuring drafts of his columns and other writings together with some photos of him and his family. (Added by Matthew Humphreys on 3/18/2004, 5:03am)

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ABC News: John Stossel's Web Page - Forum for discussions about liberty and unconventional wisdom, an archive of Stossel's ABCNEWS projects and an opportunity to talk with Stossel through a live message board. (Added by Bob Palin on 2/14, 5:33pm)

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AnalPhilosopher--Keith Burgess-Jackson, J.D., Ph.D. - Why is Rand not treated well? There are, off the top of my head, five reasons. First, she was not credentialed. While she attended college, she did not receive a graduate degree. Second, she wrote for a popular audience (i.e., an audience of intelligent laypeople). Third, she was a woman. Fourth, she was an egoist and a capitalist, both of which go against the academic grain. Fifth, she’s envied. Let me address these reasons in turn. I welcome elaboration and criticism from other philosophers.[read more] (Added by Robert Davison on 8/07, 2:51pm)

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Andrew Bernstein - Objectivist philosopher and novelist (Added by Bob Palin on 4/17, 3:40pm)

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Just Americans Making Ethical Statements - “No He Can’t” by author Anne Wortham (Added by Sam Erica on 5/15, 10:26am)

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Gever Tulley - 50 Dangerous Thing Your Kid Should Do (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 5/14, 9:33am)

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Articles & Essays

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Free Radical - New Zealand Libertarian/Objectivist magazine (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Capitalism Magazine - Has some good articles by various ARI people. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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TOC's Op-Eds - Op-Eds from The Objectivist Center's Media Center (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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IndividualistVOICE.com - Articles and FAQ about individualism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Enlightenment - Online journals, articles, and dissertations (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objective American - Lengthy daily articles (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objectivism Today - A new article every week or so (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objective Science - A rational foundation for the sciences. Articles by Objectivists about science (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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OList.com - Some random essays related to Objectivism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objectivism and Ayn Rand - Articles, poetry, book reviews (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objectivism and Thomas Jefferson - Seven essays on the philosophy of Ayn Rand (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The Certainty Site - Essays, books, and a tour about certainty by James Sedgwick (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The Essence of Objectivism - Features essays by Don Watkins III (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Jonathan Rick - Speeches and essays by Jonathan Rick (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The Rational Argumentator - A Journal for Western Man, advancing the principles of Reason, Rights, and Progress in the political, filosofical, and cultural arenas. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/05/2004, 8:46pm)

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Cox & Forkum Editorial Cartoons - The Always Funny, Genius Blog of Objectivist Political Cartoonist Team Cox and Forkum. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 4/23/2004, 7:11am)

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The Threat of Bush's Faith-Based America (from INITIUM, on the website of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism) - Great summary of the threat of a second Bush presidency. "Mr. Kerry will be desperate to be seen as tough on terrorism; he might actually do a better job against America’s real enemies. Most of all, in the war with fundamentalist militant Islam, Bush is pro-religion, all the way to the core of his soul. Kerry does not share this premise." (Added by Adam Reed on 5/27/2004, 11:37pm)

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Montana Associated Technology Roundtables from NY Times - Interviews with some modern psychologists regarding people's ability to assess value (Added by Philip Hedges on 9/13/2004, 10:10pm)

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Eject! Eject! Eject! - Excellent writing from a Neo-Liberal, Atheist American patriot. Don't miss "Trinity." The literacy and passion of the articles makes up for a very non-Objectivist lack of intransigence. Relax and enjoy the ideas. (Added by Adam Reed on 11/24/2004, 9:34pm)

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Nature? Nurture? It Doesn't Matter - I thought this was relevant to the issues raised by Adam's article today and the subsequent discussions of it. (Added by Jason Dixon on 2/22, 12:22pm)

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Ron Merrill Archive - Archive of Ron's writing and correspondance (Added by Adam Reed on 3/19, 11:12am)

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lewrockwell.com - Historian Ralph Raico describes the events that culminated in Harry Truman's decision to detonate nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Raico explains why FDR's demand for "unconditional surrender" needlessly prolonged the war, and provided rationalization for both the "necessity" of an invasion of Japan, and for the bombings. (Sorry about my earlier URL error) (Added by Mark Humphrey on 8/11, 8:50pm)

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FrontPage Magazine - An insight into the psychology of a suicide bomber. (Added by Richard Wiig on 11/09, 12:45am)

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Lewrockwell.com - Historian Ralph Raico describes FDR's strange sympathy for communism and his policy of official silence concerning the mass murder and unprecedented tyranny that engulfed the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Raico discusses the remarkable similarities between the New Deal and Italian Facism and even National Socialism, and recounts the praise for FDR expressed by Mussolini and Hitler in the early days of the New Deal. (Added by Mark Humphrey on 11/10, 8:35pm)

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Ron Merrill Archive - Archive of unpublished (and some published) writings of the late Ronald E. Merrill, author of "The Ideas of Ayn Rand." (Added by Adam Reed on 2/04, 11:19pm)

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The First Creation - The First Creation is the statement of an ideal, the visualization of a dream. It is the requisite knowledge for life. For the construction of a world of reason. (Added by William Dvorak on 6/06, 3:31pm)

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Organizations and Markets - Sociology from Austrian economists. The individualist perspective is rare in sociology and these professors are highly regarded. (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 5/08, 3:54am)

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Outline of John Galt's speech (The Atlas Society) - By David Kelley (Added by Ed Thompson on 4/30, 8:52pm)

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Carpe Diem - Upbeat and informative news and views on economics and finance from an advocate of the free market. (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 7/19, 12:55pm)

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Issue Sites


Capitalism.org - Information about Capitalism and an excellent FAQ (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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ecoNot.com - To challenge the environmentalist and 'animal rights' movements on moral and philosophical grounds (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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In Moral Defense of Israel - A thorough moral defense of Israel against its terrorist attackers (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Abortion is Pro Life - Objectivist view and information about abortion (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Environmentalism: The Anti-Industrial Revolution - Mini site on the evils of environmentalism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Science & Environmental Policy Site - Weekly compilations of news debunking environmentalism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Anton Thorn's Objectivist Atheology Website - Lots of quality anti-religion (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Who will the Department of Justice go after today? - Microsoft defense site (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Diversity & Multiculturalism: The New Racism - "Multiculturalism is racism in a politically-correct guise." (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Rational Education - "To save American education, we need a new, rational curriculum" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Religion vs Morality - Religion is a primitive and flawed form of philosophy (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Association for Objective Law - Has contact info but not much online content (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Americans for Free Choice in Medicine - Advocates a full free market health care system (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objective Medicine - Articles, links, and an email forum about the philosophy of medicine (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Sanctions: 1 

Reason vs. Racism - A mini-site on the irrationality of racism (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The New York Times Magazine - Some cautionary notes on Bush (Added by Machan on 10/17/2004, 9:59pm)

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Assault Weapon Watch - I know ALL Americans are all worried about the assault weapons flowing onto the streets since the end of the ban earlier this year. I found a site that is doing a study on the deadliness of these demon-spawned death bringers. I advise you all to take a look. It may just save your life. (Added by Jeremy on 11/26/2004, 10:05pm)

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i-feminists - The home for individualist feminism on the net. This site discusses issues of gender and individualism from a more objectivist friendly perspective. Individualist feminism, or ifeminism, advocates the equal treatment of men and women as individuals under just law. The core principle of individualist feminism is that all human beings have a moral and legal claim to their own persons and property. It is sometimes called libertarian feminism. (Added by katdaddy on 1/26, 4:37am)

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Liberty and Culture - Liberty and the threat of Islam: what hold us back from understanding and responding to the Islamist threat? Read more … (Added by Jason Pappas on 2/12, 7:48am)

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Pizza Call - A funny--and chilling--ACLU Flash video about National ID cards. (Added by Andrew Bissell on 5/05, 7:16pm)

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We are not afraid - This is the statement by many people, who do not succumb to fear and terror of those Islamist terrorists. (Added by Max on 7/08, 4:53am)

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We're not afraid - Response to events in London, 7th July 2005. (Added by Matthew Humphreys on 7/13, 10:52am)

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Civil Liberties (Cato Institute) - Regardless of disagreement in other areas, on Civil Liberties the Cato Institute has top-quality intellectual ammo for Randians and Objectivists. (Added by Adam Reed on 10/14, 1:24am)

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Global Warming Hoax - Busting the myth of global warming through news, information and discussion. The earth is constantly changing, shouldn't we? (Added by John Herron on 4/23, 6:23pm)

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Washington Post - Senate Morons Debate Non Essentials Ad Nauseum (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 11/21, 11:04am)

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Sanctions: 2 

Objectivism Reference Center - resources for people seeking information about Ayn Rand, her ideas, her works, and places where those things are discussed and debated (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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BookRags Notes: The Fountainhead - Similar to Cliff's Notes (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Fountainhead Lesson Plan - Teachers guide to The Fountainhead by Dr. Andrew Bernstein (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Anthem Lesson Plan - Teachers guide to Anthem by Dr. Michael S. Berliner (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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All About Ayn Rand - Biography, chronology, bibliography, information about her novels and films, and some links. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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FAQ on Objectivism - FAQ by The Objectivist Center (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran (Koran) / Book of Mormon - A very useful resource on the Bible, Qu'ran and Book of Mormon. It features the full texts of all three, as well as references by category (e.g. Contradictions, Cruelty, Intolerance etc.) It's a very useful way of learning more about the specifics of these religions, and as a source with which to refute allegations made w.r.t. to these religions by PC panderers. (Added by Duncan Bayne on 9/26/2004, 1:58pm)

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End communism! Democracy now - Detailed revealing the wicked communism and calling for freedom (Added by femino on 8/12/2005, 2:30am)

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Faith Freedom International - The only anti-Islam website I'v ever found. (Added by femino on 1/04, 2:06am)

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Avalon Project at Yale Law School - Hundreds of ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. You know the "crown jewels" the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constritution, but have you ever read the charters of the American colonies, or their first constitutions, or the "Annual Messages" of the U.S. Presidents, or the Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics - September 30, 1971 ... (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 7/23, 1:03pm)

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MIT OpenCourseWare - Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT. No registration required. (Added by Luke Setzer on 8/01, 9:25am)

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The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z - Online version of the book: The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z (Added by Ed Thompson on 9/23, 1:43pm)

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Academic Earth - Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars. (Added by Luke Setzer on 2/11, 5:15am)

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Troubled Assets Pew Trusts - Tracks where the money is going (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 2/12, 7:28pm)

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A List of Fallacious Arguments - names for and descriptions of dozens of fallacies. (Added by Ted Keer on 11/05, 8:56am)

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What Ayn Rand Read - The books listed are ones that Ayn Rand is either known to have read or may have read, based on her published reviews, annotations she made in the books, comments or references made in her articles, letters and journals, and materials auctioned from her estate (Added by Ted Keer on 3/22, 3:14pm)

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How to Bully a Bully - No matter where you go, you will encounter bullies of all stripes. Intellectual bullies "will point out the stuff you don’t know as a means of gaining superiority over you." Ha, ha, very funny -- NOT. Read this article to learn how to handle each kind. (Added by Luke Setzer on 3/28, 8:24am)

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College Guide - College Guide is a one-stop source for information on choosing the right college, surviving and thriving at the college of your choice, and guidance and assistance beyond the undergraduate experience. (Added by Luke Setzer on 7/06, 6:23am)

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Ice Dynamo - Biotech for preppers and related topics from a new Ph.D. (Added by Michael E. Marotta on 8/23, 8:24am)

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Foundation for the Advancement of Art - The foundation seeks to establish innovative representational painting and sculpture as the alternative to postmodern art in the world's leading contemporary art museums. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Art Renewal Center - The "largest online museum on the internet" and dedicated to retaking art from the modernists. Great site. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Brian Yoder's Art Gallery and Critic's Corner - Lots of good paintings and sculpture (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Aristos - An Objectivist journal on the arts (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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NewRomanticist.com - Romanticism in art (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Michael Newberry - Objectivist Artist (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Frederick Hart - The official website of the master monumental sculptor (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Van Oostrom Fine Art - "Romantic Realism at its finest" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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David Knowles Art - Paintings by David Knowles (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Quent Cordair Fine Art - "The finest in contemporary Romantic Realism" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Objectivist Interpretations of Movies - "Movie reviews written by the Objectivist net community" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Monadnock Review - A webzine of art and ideas with poems, stories, essays, and more. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Romantic Realism.net - "Celebrating the inspiration and exultation of great art." (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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ART - American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century -- "a nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to a rebirth of beauty and life-affirming values in all the fine arts" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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RationalArt.com - Features the work of Damon Denys and Bryan Larsen (Added by Jeff Landauer on 2/28/2004, 11:09pm)

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Mr. Stolyarov's Gallery of Rational Art - G. Stolyarov II's virtual collection of artworks from past and present that exemplify order, dignity, and reason. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/05/2004, 8:48pm)

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Mario Lanza! - "I sing each word as though it were my last on earth." (Added by Lindsay Perigo on 3/05/2004, 11:22pm)

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Alexei L. Antonov: New Old Master - Alexei L. Antonov is a contemporary painter of still life and portraits, extrapolating upon the styles of the Renaissance masters and seeking to create a new esthetic Renaissance in our time. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/06/2004, 6:06pm)

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Rodney Rawlings: Music, Melody, and Songs - Composer Rodney Rawlings offers his insights on the nature and purpose of melody, as well as samples of his work and other compositions he considers representative of a rational approach. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/12/2004, 9:55pm)

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Michael G. Shapiro (Composer) - A film score composer whose music is rather enjoyable and uplifting. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 4/23/2004, 7:20am)

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Naissance Atelier - Michael Newberry offers to mentor talented artists. (Added by Joseph Rowlands on 4/28/2004, 2:13pm)

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Paul Copeland: Composer and Pianist - Australian piano virtuoso and composer Paul Copeland offers hundreds of recordings of great Classical and Ragtime composers, as well as his own pieces in those styles, for free download. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 6/24/2004, 1:48pm)

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Christian Michel - Unexpected Illustrations of Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Aesthetics (from Liberalia.com) - A thoroughly fascinating analysis of socialist realist and national socialist art from a Randian perspective, demonstrating how sense of life in the best of this art triumphs over the particular political philosophies such art was intended to espouse and so illustrating Ayn Rand's theory that art is about "showing" rather than "teaching" (Added by Cameron Pritchard on 7/17/2004, 6:47pm)

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visioneer windows - discussions, with examples, of objectivist aesthetics as applied to the visual arts (Added by robert malcom on 8/30/2004, 3:14pm)

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Body in Mind - [NOT SAFE FOR WORK] An online gallery dedicated to "creating super beautiful images of women by adding the glow of morality to the female nude." The site also includes some Objectivist-inspired writing on the admiration and appreciation of beautiful women. (Added by Andrew Bissell on 9/13/2004, 8:16pm)

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Joan Mitchell Blumenthal - Beautiful paintings by a talented artist (Added by Barbara Branden on 10/07/2004, 2:00pm)

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Michael Wilkinson (Sculptor) - It is worth your time to take a look at this amazingly talented sculptor who works in a number of mediums. His acrylic works are my favorite. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 10/26/2004, 9:06pm)

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Sarah Brightman (Singer, Actress, Diva) - It is rare but it is true in the case of this singer, her voice is as beautiful as she is. Her style of music is indeed something to check out for opera lovers and people looking to find a new edge in music. Her site offers a number of songs to sample as well as chances to buy. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 12/08/2004, 5:06pm)

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Neo Camerata - This group plays some of the best small ensemble music I've ever heard, but what's even more interesting is all of the group's repitoire is written by violist Mark Landson. Check it out! (Added by Adam Buker on 12/08/2004, 9:05pm)

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Gastronomic Meditations - A celebration of food, wine, and the palate. (Added by Jennifer Iannolo on 1/21, 9:16pm)

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Ditko Looked up - Site dedicated to the work of Objectivist comic book creator Steve Ditko. (Added by Bob Palin on 2/14, 5:21pm)

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SuperBeauty.org - "Beauty will save the world" (Added by Matthew Humphreys on 3/07/2005, 3:07pm)

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Vanessa Mae (Violinist) - Perhaps one of the hotest violinists in modern times. She is noteable for her work in electronica and classical music. In particular her renditions of vivaldi are amazing to hear and worth a listen. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 3/09, 8:06pm)

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Compositions by Adam Buker - Go see for yourself, silly! (Added by Adam Buker on 4/14, 11:58pm)

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Lucia Micarelli (Violinist) - I did not believe that it would be possible to find someone more skilled than Vanessa Mae, yet, here she is with her first album. Lucia Micarelli, sent tingles down my spine with her amazing ability. (Added by Eric J. Tower on 8/12, 9:27pm)

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van Oostrom (painter) - A neo-Romantic painter with an abstract expressionist's sense of geometry, texture and space. (Added by Adam Reed on 1/07, 12:22am)

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Beauty In Music - Beautiful women who make beautiful music. Don't worry, they're professional musicians who are fully clothed. (Added by Jody Allen Gomez on 1/15, 12:31pm)

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"Destination Earth" - A 1956 pro-capitalist cartoon you can watch online (Added by Rodney Rawlings on 2/10, 6:22pm)

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American Secular Gospel Project - Evangelists are using mass media including entertainment media to spread their agenda. But we all came to this Earth as naked atheists! The rest is up to us. This site seeks artists who aim to counter the wave of mindless propaganda coming from right wing religious quarters. (Added by Luke Setzer on 10/09, 5:24am)

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The Musical Compositions of G. Stolyarov II - A page offering free mp3 downloads of all of Mr. Stolyarov's publicly available compositions to date. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 6/14, 4:22pm)

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Antideath: City of the Future - 3D Models of Skyscrapers - Antideath is a fictional model city created by G. Stolyarov II in Google Sketchup. Two-dimensional visuals and three-dimensional models of each building are available for free download and use by the public. Antideath has a laissez-faire policy regarding the addition of new buildings, so any willing person is welcome to contribute. (Added by G. Stolyarov II on 8/29, 3:24pm)

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Clubs / Groups

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Atlas Society - Society dedicated to Ayn Rand and her fiction. Nice graphics. (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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Ayn Rand Society - "A professional society affiliated with the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division" (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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EGO Group - Eric’s Group of Objectivists (located in southeast Michigan) (Added by Admin on 2/23/2004, 9:55pm)

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