
Rebirth of Reason

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Sanctions: 22
Barbara Branden (1929-2013)
Posted by Michael E. Marotta on 12/12, 1:54am
"Branden was a living and bracing example of how one needn't either blindly worship or ignore the humanity of Ayn Rand to admire and promote her philosophy. While the very existence of a book telling a true story of Rand the woman created great controversy and division in the Objectivist world in the 1980s, as generations arise who never met the woman herself, such controversies will fade to historical ephemera. But the monument of understanding and appreciation Branden crafted with such skill and care will remain." - Brian Doherty on Reason Online here: http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/12/barbara-branden-rip

"Barbara remained active in Objectivist and libertarian circles for her entire life. She offered a nuanced, always sympathetic perspective on Ayn Rand. While sometimes critical, she never lost her admiration for Ayn. Even though the Brandens had an acrimonious split with Rand, after a relationship between Ayn and Nathaniel ended, Barbara always told me that, knowing everything she knew then, she would do it all over again." -- James Peron. Huffington Post here:
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