Please follow this link to Hitchens' article in Slate. No, this is not a book review, but I saw no better way to list both the image and the link. (See the whole review) (Added by Ted Keer on 6/25/2007, 8:03pm)Discuss this Book (4 messages) While I have only just begun reading it, this book further proves that there is no prose writer alive with more wit, acumen, erudition, or clarity. Even when you disagree with him on minor points, you do so with enjoyment, because Hitchens always makes himself so clear that you cannot help but know both where and why you differ with him. A small ex... (See the whole review) (Added by Ted Keer on 6/06/2007, 12:19am)Discuss this Book (25 messages) To my knowledge, I am the first SOLOist to change my mind about the war in Iraq. My unease with my anti-war position had been going on for some time and a discussion with SOLOist Joe Rowlands when he last visited New Zealand was crucial. But I have to say, this book was what really did it. If you thought Lindsay Perigo hated Saddam and the anti-war... (See the whole review) (Added by Deleted on 1/09/2005, 11:43pm)Discuss this Book (84 messages) |