
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Newberry, Michael

February 11, 2008
Figure the Future, Upcoming TAS Talk
by Michael Newberry
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Figure the Future The nude in art graced the civilizations of Ancient Greece, the Italian Renaissance, and much of Europe through to the beginning of the 20th century. In this presentation, painter Michael Newberry will explain how the nude stands for more than titillation—that rather it is the p... (Read more...)
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June 11, 2007
Art Tutorials
by Michael Newberry
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Not sure how long it has been since my last post...but, I opted to spend my time more constructively than toying with y’all. :) I have completed lots of work and recently sold an important work, within weeks of signing it, for over $50,000. Instead of writing posts here I have begun writing online art tutorial... (Read more...)
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October 5, 2004
Little Goddess
by Michael Newberry
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My first poem. It is about the spirit driving one of my paintings. (Read more...)
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September 24, 2004
A Victim's Vindication
by Michael Newberry
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National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens ... (Read more...)
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September 13, 2004
Blarney at the Guggenheim: A Review
by Michael Newberry
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In times of war, when our values as humans are being sorely challenged; and in times of celebration when we long to share how wonderful it is to be alive, and to be human; it is an aesthetic crime that contemporary art museums cannot offer us anything more than the emptiness of postmodern art. (Read more...)
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June 20, 2004
Desert Island Discs #2
by Michael Newberry
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There is an interesting undocumented story about Ayn Rand that was told to me by Michael Berliner. He told me that some friends of his invited Rand to go to the Metropolitan Opera House to see Puccini's La Boheme. The friends were quite anxious that Rand would enjoy herself - she had been known to make audible comments, not necessarily kind, whilst in a theater (Read more...)
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August 4, 2003
Conference: "Innovation, Substance, Vision: the Future of Art"
by Michael Newberry
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The Foundation for the Advancement of Art is having its first conference, Innovation, Substance, Vision: the Future of Art, at the Pierre Hotel in New York City, October 6th, 2003. (Read more...)
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June 2, 2003
Hoedown in Paper Space
by Michael Newberry
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In the last year I have been exploring the medium of pencil line drawings. Instead of showing only my drawings I thought it might be interesting if I showed you a few of my influences from art history, which will give you something to compare them with. This includes some artists, such as Picasso, Kline, Lichtenstein, which might surprise you. (Read more...)
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January 24, 2003
ArtsThe Free Radical
Pandora's Box Part III: The Newly-Discovered Version
by Michael Newberry
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The form of art and its function in human life are central to the debate between postmodern art and art. (Read more...)
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October 9, 2002
Detecting Metaphysical Value-Judgements in Painting
by Michael Newberry
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The theme of a painting should make its message clear without any prior knowledge of what the painting is about. We have to be like detectives and look for clues within the painting itself... (Read more...)
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September 24, 2002
ArtsThe Free Radical
Pandora's Box Part II
by Michael Newberry
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When Pandora opened the box, marvelous things rose up and vanished into space before her eyes. Without grasping the nature of this phenomenon, she unleashed Postmodernism on humanity. (Read more...)
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June 25, 2002
ArtsThe Free Radical
Pandora's Box Part I
by Michael Newberry
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Our civilization's humanities, the branches of knowledge such as philosophy and art, have contracted Postmodernism. (Read more...)
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June 14, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Foundation for the Advancement of Art: A Forward
by Michael Newberry
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An explanation of the Foundation for the Advancement of Art. (Read more...)
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June 14, 2002
The Foundation for the Advancement of Art: Mission Statement
by Michael Newberry
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From the War Room Project page: Announcing the Foundation for the Advancement of Art. (Read more...)
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April 18, 2002
ArtsThe Free Radical
Terrorism and Postmodern Art
by Michael Newberry
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A Wonder of the World. Gone. To witness the obliteration of those glowing, lithe twins was a shock beyond comprehension. They were so playful; light danced on them as they stretched up towards the sky. They were so free; you could not say that they stood tall with pride because they were so unselfconscious of their beauty and height. They were so innocent; they believed in friendship, progress, creation, and joy. They were. (Read more...)
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